Lacy hairbow

 Celebration time is soon to come so I have decided to make hair accessories for my nieces. I held my hook and thread -yes I am a thread lover-,and I came up with three patterns which I will be sharing



 size 10 thread and 1.5 mmm hook

stiches used:


sc— single crochet

dc--double crochet

dtr –  double triple crochet

dc cl—dc cluster ( make 3 unfinished dc stitches and finish all three together)



First end:

1.    Make 8 chains, dc in the first chain you made .

2.    Chain 5, turn, dc in the dc, ch2, double triple in the same dc, (2 ch 2 space)

3.    Ch7, turn, dc in the double triple, skip one space in the next make a triple,ch4 and dc cluster, dc in the third chain of the beginning of the previous row

4.    Ch5, turn, dc in the ch4 space, ch2,dc in the dc, , ch2, double triple in the same st 4 ch 2 space

5.    Ch7, turn, dc in the double triple (skip one space in the next make a triple, ch4 and dc cluster)twice  dc in the third chain of the beginning of the previous row

6.    Ch5, turn, (dc in the ch4 space, ch2, dc in the cluster, , ch2 dc in the ch4 space, ch 2 dc in the dc, ch 2 dc in 3rd ch ,ch2 double triple in the same st

7.    Ch7, turn, dc in the double triple (skip one space in the next make a triple,ch4 and dc cluster)3 times,  dc in the third chain of the beginning of the previous row

8.    Ch5, turn, (dc in the ch4 space, ch2, dc in the cluster)twice, ch2 dc in the ch4 space, ch 2 dc in the dc, ch 2 dc in 3rd ch ,ch2 double triple in the same st – 8 ch2 space

9.    Ch3, turn, (skip one space in the next make a triple, ch4 and dc cluster)4 times, dc in the third chain of the beginning of the previous row

10.Ch5, turn, (dc in the ch4 space, ch2, dc in the cluster, , ch2 dc in the ch4 space, ch 2 dc in the dc, ch 2 dc in 3rd ch ,ch2 ,dc in the 3rd chain on the beginning of previous row.

Mid section :

Repeat row 9 and 10 for approx. 80 cm or 31 inches finishing with row 9 (cluster row)


Second end:


1.    Ch5, turn, (dc in the ch4 space, ch2, dc in the cluster,) to the last ch 4 space  ch2 dc in the ch4 space, ch2 ,dc in the 3rd chain on the beginning of previous row.

2.    Ch5, turn, skip 2 ch, dc in the dc, (skip one space in the next make a triple, ch4 and dc cluster)3 times, dc in the third chain of the beginning of the previous row

3.    Ch5, turn, (dc in the ch4 space, ch2, dc in the cluster,) to the last ch 4 space  ch2 dc in the ch4 space, dtr in the last dc.

4.    Ch5, turn, skip 2 ch, dc in the dc, (skip one space in the next make a triple, ch4 and dc cluster)2 times, dc in the third chain of the beginning of the previous row.

5.    Ch5, turn, (dc in the ch4 space, ch2, dc in the cluster,) to the last ch 4 space  ch2 dc in the ch4 space, dtr in the last dc

6.    Ch5, turn, skip 2 ch, dc in the dc, (skip one space in the next make a triple, ch4 and dc cluster), dc in the third chain of the beginning of the previous row.

7.    Ch5, turn, (dc in the ch4 space) dtr in the last dc.

8.    Ch5, turn, dc in the 3rd chain from beg. Of last row.

Do not fasten off.

Finishing edging

Do not turn , work across straight edge the side  of your ribbon,Chain1,2sc in the same space, ch 3, 2 sc in each row dc.

center piece 

1.make a chain of 15. double crochet in the eighth from the hook

, ch 2, skip 2 chains ,dc  in the third two chains,skip2 chains and dc in the last chain 5 ,turn, dc in the dc, ch2 dc in the dc,ch 2, skip 2chain , dc in the third 

repeat eight more times for a total of 10 rows .Fasten off . Cut a good length of the thread and thread it on a needle

 get the ribbon  and the clip, lay the ribbon over the center piece  and the clip over the ribbon that is formed as a bow . stitch that piece around the ribbon and the clip

 stitch both ends of center piece together going through the clip.

we can weave the end

thread the  needle make a knot and the thread,make a big knot

adjust the clip ,separate the two layers like so and find a stitch put your needle through the stitch so the knot will hold, sew to the the holes on each side of the clip 
